Work was fun, inching slowly ahead on each of my projects.
The MBA front still perplexes me. Haven't been able to narrow down any more schools other than ISB.
I really like Ross's MAP program and it excites me. It would give me select a project in India and build up some connections there for the prospective job. But its fee pulls me back. Especially with my constraint of working in India immediately after MBA, it would be decades before I completely pay off the loan.
After speaking to a friend at INSEAD, I think the only chance I have with the school is woth another year of work exp. So I have decided to apply to INSEAD next year, only if I dont get through ISB this time.
I know my vision is not the most clear one in the worl right now, but I am just wading through the muddy waters, confident that "In the End, it doesn't even matter..."
Found this informative website:
If you have time on your hand, you could research about applicant profiles for hours.
It has ratings and reviews for all the admission consultants, profiles of the applicant pool for each individual school, an informative blog and a forum.
I did not find so much information on any one website.
Watching "The Million Dollar Baby" as I am researching this site.
Morgan Freeman's voice over is one of the best voice overs. The tone is so deep, the bass is so high, that it symbolizes loads of experience and you don't have an option but to sit up and listen to him.